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Made redundant? Become a taxi driver…

February 24, 2010

The current economy has meant that its unlikely that you don’t know at least one person within your family and friends who has experienced the unsavory experience of being made redundant. Likely more than one.

If you have been made redundant, becoming a taxi driver is worthy of consideration as being your own boss, flexible hours and rates of pay are all potential upsides.

Of course, you have to have the appropriate taxi licence and taxi insurance to operate as a taxi driver. But whether you are a private hire taxi driver or public hire, the key benefits remain the same.

Taxi driving offers lots of flexibility. You can stay at home and look after the kids during the day, and then work at night. If you work weekends, you can earn even more if you are prepared to work the unsociable hours when other people are out enjoying themselves and want a taxi home!!

The beauty of being a taxi driver is that it can be potentially a low start up cost, especially if you work for a company that already has vehicles for you to utilise.

If you do run a vehicle yourself, and have taxi insurance via insureTAXI, then we will give you a ready made plated vehicle in the event of a non fault accident. This means you will not suffer loss of earnings in the event of an accident.

And we’ll provide you with cheap taxi insurance of course!! (that’s our speciality..!)

Click here for a cheap taxi insurance quote or call call 0800 142 2828